Super Wings is a children's 3D animation work produced by Aofei Entertainment. At present, it has won the 4th "Top Ten Most Commercially Valuable Anime IPs of the Year", the "Dynamic Golden Sheep" Best Animated Series, and so on.
Super Wings tells the interesting story of the plane robot Le Di and a group of friends called Super Wings traveling around the world, delivering packages for children all over the world, and creatively helping children solve problems. The biggest feature of the work is that each episode takes place in a different city, showing the world's diverse cultures with exquisite pictures, such as scenic spots, architecture, language, festivals, and food. The story conveys kindness, bravery, joy, and friendship so that children can broaden their horizons and recognize the colorful earth in each new magical journey.
The Deli and Super Wings intellectual property series includes several school stationery products. The fans of Super Wings can enjoy the great products using the experience from the co-brand series.