The Paw Patrol is an action-adventure cartoon series launched by Nickelodeon in the United States. It premiered in the United States through Nickelodeon on August 12, 2013, and released toys, books, and other related products of the same name. This animation has become one of the top animations of international children's animation. It has more than 20 million viewers in 11 countries and has a strong market influence.
Paw Patrol takes child safety rescue as the theme, and brings interesting knowledge dissemination to children. The cartoon tells the story of a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder who, after rescuing six puppies, trains them into a team of highly skilled paw patrols. Each puppy has a distinct personality and specialty. No matter how difficult and dangerous the rescue mission is, they still can't forget to play with each other and create a relaxed atmosphere, and the humorous and optimistic dogs can always complete the mission smoothly every time.
All the Deli and Paw Patrol intellectual property series products have the image of Paw Patrol, including various stationery products. The double experience from the visual and function of the Deli and Paw Patrol series has been bought by every consumer.