One Piece is a Japanese manga and animation series created by - Eiichiro Oda. The work takes the fictional "Era of the Great Pirates" as the story stage, One Piece takes place mostly on the sea and islands, where pirates roam the towns, while the navy tries to maintain order. Just like every other pirate, Luffy sets out the sea in search of the mysterious treasure “ONE PIECE” and to achieve his ultimate dream.
Based on the strong influence of One Piece around the world and the high degree of adaptation of its overall style with Deli products, Deli finally decided to find One Piece for cooperation and launched the One Piece series of products for sale.
Deli’s One Piece product line is aimed at people aged 5-20, mainly stationery. According to the age adaptation of the product, it is divided into the SD version and the student version. All products not only have the high quality and high-cost performance of the products themselves but also have the blessing of the joint image of One Piece, which makes this series of products shine in all products.